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Fallen Tree Limb Causes Power Outage, Impacting Nearly 700 Customers

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Fallen Tree Limb Causes Power Outage, Impacting Nearly 700 Customers

Details on Unanticipated Power Outage

In Bowling Green, Kentucky, a fallen tree limb caused power disruption that ultimately impacted nearly 700 Warren Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation (WRECC) customers. This surprising incident occurred Sunday evening at approximately 8 PM on McGinnis Road.

The Warren County Sheriff’s Office and volunteer fire department swiftly responded to reports of power outage due to a fallen tree limb. Not long after, WRECC was notified of the scenario.

Immediate Response and Restoration

An hour after the incident, WRECC’s power outage map showed that 675 customers were suffering from the black out. But thanks to the quick response from the Sheriff’s office and WRECC, power was restored within a couple of hours.

According to the WRECC’s Public Information Officer, restoration works started rapidly. The Officer appreciated the affected residents for their patience and understanding during this unanticipated power interruption.

Impact and Significance

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the vital role that our power infrastructure plays in our daily lives. When that infrastructure is disrupted, even momentarily, it can greatly affect a community.

We encourage residents to report any fallen power lines or trees to their local power company and remember to steer clear from the area for their safety until authorities arrive.

Next Steps

Investigations are currently underway to ensure tree limbs near power lines are safely cut and removed to prevent such occurrences in the future. We continue to work together as a community to ensure our neighborhoods are safe and well-equipped for any unforeseen disturbances.

Fallen Tree Limb Causes Power Outage, Impacting Nearly 700 Customers

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