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Bowling Green Man Seeks Delay in Sentencing for ISIS-Related Crimes

Legal delay request portrayed.

Bowling Green Man Seeks Delay in Sentencing for ISIS-Related Crimes

Bowling Green, KY – A local man, Mirsad Ramic, who has been found guilty of multiple crimes related to his involvement with the terrorist group ISIS, is scheduled to have his sentencing hearing pushed back. The request comes after his defense team indicated that they need more time to prepare.

Ramic, a 34-year-old Bosnian national and naturalized U.S. citizen, was convicted in June of this year in U.S. District Court. He faced serious federal charges that include providing material support to ISIS, conspiring to aid the group, and receiving military training from a designated terrorist organization. His trial presented a troubling picture of his alleged actions, including plans to travel to Syria to join ISIS.

Request for Postponement

On Friday, Scott Wendelsdorf, Ramic’s court-appointed attorney, filed a motion requesting to postpone the September 24 sentencing date. Wendelsdorf explained that more time is necessary to properly prepare for the hearing as they are seeking an evaluation from Dr. Patti Van Eys, a clinical psychologist from Nashville, who will conduct psychological testing on Ramic.

The psychologist cited that she would not be able to begin evaluating Ramic until October 1. Additionally, she suggested that preparing a final psychological report might take around three months from that point. Wendelsdorf emphasized in his filing, “Additional time will be necessary after receipt of Dr. Van Eys’ final report and evaluation to properly prepare for sentencing.” Federal prosecutors have indicated that they do not object to moving the sentencing date.

Background of the Case

During the trial, jurors heard compelling evidence against Ramic. Testimony highlighted that he had conspired with two Saudi nationals in Bowling Green to travel to Syria in 2014 with the intent of joining ISIS, which is known as an offshoot of Al-Qaeda in Iraq and known for its extreme ideologies.

Two former ISIS fighters, who testified under pseudonyms for safety reasons, recounted seeing Ramic at a military base that ISIS had taken from Syrian forces. One fighter recounted watching Ramic engage in military activities alongside him; they fired weapons together, fulfilled guard duties as part of an ISIS battalion, and he even participated in battles, including the siege of the Syrian city of Kobani in 2014.

Jurors also viewed photographs showcasing Ramic in military attire, one image notably displayed him holding a black ISIS flag in front of a truck equipped with an anti-aircraft gun. Furthermore, evidence presented included emails exchanged between Ramic and his co-conspirators. The emails discussed themes of martyrdom and jihad, which are central tenets within extremist ideology.

Next Steps

The legal proceedings now hinge on the upcoming decision regarding the postponement of Ramic’s sentencing. If court accepts the request, sentencing could be significantly delayed as Dr. Van Eys will require at least three months to prepare her evaluation. The outcomes of the evaluation may also influence the court’s decisions during sentencing.

As it stands, the community of Bowling Green and officials are closely monitoring developments in this case, given its serious implications tied to national security and the actions of terrorist organizations.

The situation continues to unfold, with updates expected following the court’s ruling on the motion for continuance.

Bowling Green Man Seeks Delay in Sentencing for ISIS-Related Crimes

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