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Bowling Green Law Enforcement Agencies Connect to Make Streets Safer

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Bowling Green Law Enforcement Agencies Connect to Make Streets Safer

Oh boy, Big news from Bowling Green! The local police officers and sheriffs are putting their heads together for one big goal, to make driving in the city safer. A bunch of our law enforcement groups have teamed up on a bulletpoint mission to handle
traffic-related problems together.

The folks who have jumped in on this mission include the Bowling Green Police Department, Kentucky State Police Post 3, Western Kentucky University Police Department(WKUPD), and the Warren County Sheriff’s Office. Nice to see these teams working together, right?

What are they focusing on exactly? They’ve got their eyes on drivers who’re just not doing things right. This includes
jokers who can’t keep their eyes off their phones while they’re driving, those speeding like they’re on a race track, reckless drivers, folks driving under influence, and those who can’t remember to buckle up. Doesn’t hurt to remind ourselves to be more careful while we are behind the wheels, does it?

One of the officers involved in this mission, KSP Trooper Katan, said this operation isn’t just about catching those doing things wrong, but also demonstrating to the whole city that they’re serious about their jobs.

He’s quoted saying: “We just want to make the community a safer place,”. Now isn’t that something we can get behind?

When we look at the numbers, it’s clear why this operation was put together. Between March and June alone there were over 60 crashes, and a whopping 180 traffic tickets handed out just on Scottsville Road. And don’t get us started on Nashville Road, south of I-165, over the same the period. Stats indicate 47 crashes and over 120 tickets handed out. No wonder, the team’s main focus is on Scottsville and Nashville roads, but they say it won’t change how things usually run.

WKUPD Chief Mitchell Walker expressed how important it is for these agencies to stick together and learn from each other. He used the term “foster relationships” and pointed out how it benefits not just the agencies, but also the city.

So, in the next few days, keep an eye out for extra traffic enforcement on the roads. Remember, it’s all to make us safer. And, if you don’t see the college cops around much, they’re likely helping to lighten the load on either Nashville or Scottsville roads, so no worries!

Stay safe, Bowling Green!

Bowling Green Law Enforcement Agencies Connect to Make Streets Safer

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