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Bowling Green Event Advocates for Amendment 2 School Choice

School choice rally participants.

Bowling Green Hosts Event Supporting Amendment 2 for School Choice

On Tuesday evening, supporters of Amendment 2 gathered in Bowling Green, Kentucky, to discuss the potential benefits of the proposed amendment that could change educational options for families across the state. The event highlighted the experiences of those in favor of the amendment and aimed to rally community support ahead of the November ballot.

Legislative Changes for Parental Choice

Those advocating for the amendment argue that it will empower parents to select the schools their children attend, a move they believe could improve educational outcomes. The event’s moderator, Gary Houchens, a professor at Western Kentucky University, emphasized that similar initiatives in other states have led to positive results. He pointed out existing programs like the Federal PELL Grant program, which help low-income students access higher education by using taxpayer dollars. “We spend tax dollars to give low-income students the opportunity to attend any school, any college and university they can get admitted to, public or private,” said Houchens. “This is a very personal benefit that ultimately benefits everyone.”

Concerns from Parents

One of the notable speakers at the event was Ashley Cornwell, a concerned parent whose views on the public school system changed during the COVID-19 pandemic. She expressed how her experience during the pandemic led her to question the implications of the education her children were receiving. Cornwell shared her concerns about a specific teacher who, according to her, created a climate of fear among students regarding health issues related to the pandemic. She recounted how the teacher spoke about the virus and its risks in a manner that frightened the children, describing the conversation as a way of instilling a sense of dread. “She even discussed those dangerous conservatives… the conservatives were destroying the country, especially that big bad orange man who sat in the White House,” Cornwell stated, sharing her dissatisfaction with the perceived political bias in her children’s education.

Personal Testimonies of School Choice

The discussion also featured Walter Blanks Jr., a spokesperson for the American Federation of Children, who shared his personal story about how school choice positively impacted his life. He explained that his family took advantage of similar legislation in Ohio, which allowed them to choose a better school that matched his educational needs. “To say that school choice changed and saved my life is an understatement,” he said. Blanks reflected on his upbringing amid poverty and low expectations, revealing that he attended multiple schools every year before finding the right fit that fostered his growth. “One system cannot fit the needs of every single child,” Blanks asserted, highlighting the importance of personalized education.

Looking Ahead to November

As the supporters of Amendment 2 continue to share their messages, the conversation around educational choices is gaining momentum in Bowling Green. The amendment, which will appear on the ballot this November, promises to be a pivotal point in Kentucky’s educational landscape. Advocates are hopeful that by allowing parents more control over their children’s education, they can create a system that better meets the diverse needs of families across the state.

With the date of the election approaching, discussions like the one held in Bowling Green are likely to increase, as community members weigh the potential changes to an important aspect of their children’s futures. The amendment’s supporters appear determined to share their vision for a more flexible and choice-driven educational system in Kentucky.

Bowling Green Event Advocates for Amendment 2 School Choice

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