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Area High School Students Become Future Healthcare Heroes at SKYCTC

Healthcare training at school.

Area High School Students Become Future Healthcare Heroes at SKYCTC

Bowling Green, KY – With ambitions brimming and minds ready for exploration, area high school students on Wednesday joined forces for a two-day ‘Future Healthcare Heroes Camp’ hosted at SKYCTC (Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College).

Hands-on Exploration into Healthcare Careers

The camp invited freshmen and sophomore students interested in healthcare careers for an interactive, hands-on experience across multiple professional healthcare fields. Integral to the camp agenda were seven learning labs focused on various healthcare disciplines – nursing, radiography, respiratory therapy, surgical technology, medical lab technology, and fire science/EMT training.

These labs provided a pedestal for students to witness the realities of each profession, along with insights into the training requited and in-depth knowledge to prepare for intended healthcare careers. This immersive educational approach strives to inspire and inform students about their potential pathways.

A Pathway into Dual Credit courses

With strategic timing the camp targets students in their initial two years of high school. The intention rests on the idea that during these years, students typically begin managing their future academic and career paths – a task the camp aims to simplify. Future Healthcare Heroes Camp offers insights into various dual credit courses and prerequisites for many classes offered at SKYCTC in the healthcare field.

“Our whole purpose was to target that younger population so they could learn about medical lab technician, respiratory therapy, surgical technology, and what those programs really entail.” – Angie Harlan, Dean of Allied Health and Nursing at SKYCTC.

A Platform for Career Decisions

Leslie Elmore, a sophomore at Hart County High School who attended the previous year’s camp, voiced how the experience had solidified her interest in a career as an ultrasound technician. The robust curriculum and the hands-on approach had provided a clear lens into the essential aspects of healthcare professions.

Over 130 Future Healthcare Heroes, Today

This year, 130 students from Barren County, Glasgow, Hart County, Warren East, and South Warren High Schools were in attendance on Wednesday. Two other schools graced the occasion on Tuesday, and plans to extend the invitation to several more high schools for the upcoming May session have been set in motion.

Creating a Legacy, Aspiring to Heal

The Future Healthcare Heroes Camp bridges the gap between interest and insight, providing a foundation for the healthcare heroes of tomorrow. Through interactive labs, students discover the diverse range of disciplines within the healthcare sector. Simultaneously, they can outline their roadmap for a successful journey into their chosen field in healthcare.

An initiative like this proves to be a stepping stone in fulfilling the dream of an all-embracing healthcare system powered by well-trained, passionate professionals.

Area High School Students Become Future Healthcare Heroes at SKYCTC

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