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Bowling Green Educator Wins Prestigious 2024 Robinson Award for Promoting Educational Diversity and Equity

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Bowling Green Independent Educator Wins Prestigious 2024 Robinson Award

Emily Lehman Recognized for Extraordinary Efforts in Promoting Educational Diversity and Equity

FRANKFORT, Ky. – Emily Lehman, a 5th-grade teacher at W.R. McNeill Elementary School in the Bowling Green Independent school district, was conferred the 2024 Robinson Award for Diversity and Equity in Public Education this past Wednesday. She accepted the award, which is annually presented by the Kentucky Board of Education (KBE) to individuals or organizations instrumental in advancing diversity and equity in education focusing on closing socioeconomic and racial achievement gaps.

Lehman: An Educator Par Excellence

Lehman expressed feeling “grateful and humbled” upon receiving the Robinson Award. She dedicated the honor to all who have lent their collaboration in this vital initiative. Lehman has significantly contributed to bolster math competency among her students, with particular initiative to uplift students of color or those who are economically disadvantaged. Sarah Wilder, a colleague and her award nominator, hailed Lehman for her passion for teaching and her relentless efforts in uncovering and addressing educational inequalities.

Advancing Equity through Innovative Programs

Lehman’s contributions extend beyond conventional teaching. She has developed and led innovative programs geared towards engendering a positive shift in how educational equity is perceived and achieved. Her most notable initiative is “Mathletes,” a three-layered activity designed to encourage and celebrate mathematics learning particularly among Black families at W.R. McNeill Elementary. The innovative approach involves family game nights, student mentorship, and appreciation of Black figures in STEM fields.

Mathletes: Promoting Math Mastery among Black Students

The “Mathletes” initiative has resulted in demonstrable improvements in math performance among Black students at the school. Parent feedback and data from diagnostic testing and math autobiography exercises clearly indicate a positive shift in students’ attitudes towards mathematics. Wilder appreciated the initiative for “facilitating a paradigm shift” in how students view mathematics and take pride in it. In Lehman’s words, “Black individuals have made profound and indelible contributions to the field of mathematics and my students celebrate being a part of that lasting legacy.”

“Diversity is something to be celebrated and is a poignant reminder of the brilliance and resilience of our community. I am proud to be a teacher in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, where we prioritize equity in public education as a continuous mission.” – Emily Lehman

About The Robinson Award

The Robinson Award gets its name from Samuel Robinson, an educator and civil rights leader, and a member of the KBE from 1991 to 2004. Throughout his career, Robinson championed the cause of educational diversity and equity in public education. The award serves as a tribute to his ceaseless efforts in this direction.

Emily Lehman’s honor testifies to the fact that the spirit of Samuel Robinson’s dedication to promoting educational equity continues to inspire and guide educators in Kentucky.

Bowling Green Educator Wins Prestigious 2024 Robinson Award for Promoting Educational Diversity and Equity

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