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WKU Center for Financial Success Hosts ‘Money Skills’ Workshop to Enhance Student Financial Literacy

Personal finance workshop concept

WKU Center for Financial Success Presents ‘Money Skills’ Workshop

In Bowling Green city, an academic engagement aimed at enhancing financial literacy among students took place at the Preston Center on February 28th. Western Kentucky University’s Center for Financial Success hosted a ‘Money Skills’ presentation, intending to arm students with robust knowledge on handling and managing finances effectively, thus preparing them for life after college.

Students Gather to Learn Money Skills

Finance senior from Georgetown, Kaylie Wise, who led the presentation, shared valuable information on managing money. Her aim was to help fellow students understand that being organized and informed about their finances is key in preventing future financial stress. “Money is something everyone must use, and it’s a huge stressor. It’s beneficial to help someone with it, and I also find financial matters interesting to learn about”, Wise shared in her opening remarks.

Before Wise initiated the conversation around money management, a student attendee, Jacob Averitt, a junior majoring in Sports Management, shared his expectations from the workshop. He shared his aspirations of stepping into facility management and how he is looking forward to enhancing his financial management skills. “I really want to manage my finances better and learn as much as I can,” Averitt said.

The Impact of the Workshop: Students’ Feedback

After participating in the ‘Money Skills’ event, Alex Kratzer, a senior majoring in Elementary Education, shared her learnings, underlining the importance of financial literacy for life post-graduation. “I learned mostly about life after college: how student loans work, more so getting student loans paid off, when the interest actually occurs on your student loans so I can be aware of that,” Kratzer stated.

The Center for Financial Success: Supporting Students’ Financial Literacy

To empower students with credible financial knowledge, the Center for Financial Success at WKU has been actively conducting such workshops and seminars. The recent ‘Money Skills’ presentation is indeed one step forward in this direction. Candice Douglas, the assistant director of facilities with the Department of Campus Recreation and Wellness, appreciated the initiative. “I’m happy that our students thought enough that this is something that they should put out for their peers as a free seminar to get them prepared for ‘adulting’ and life after college.”

Wise expressed her delight seeing how participants are benefitting from these workshops. “We have little forms [that] we send out after meetings. Recently, everyone writes ‘Thank you so much, you’re literally amazing’ or ‘You brought me so much peace of mind and I feel like I know what I’m doing now.’ Every time I get one of those, my heart is just so happy,” Wise stated, exhibiting the positive impact of these financial literacy workshops on students.

WKU Center for Financial Success Hosts 'Money Skills' Workshop to Enhance Student Financial Literacy

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